Monday, February 18, 2019

Carol Vernallis

Carol Vernallis The Kindest Cuts: Functions and Meaning of Music Video Editing

Carol's theory is based around 4 major concepts:
1. Diegesis 
2. Editing 
3. Camera movement/framing
4. Narrative 

She suggests that videos are a visual response to a narrative, meaning that everything within the mise-en-scene is relevant to the lyrics. She does however state that the narrative can appear distorted or in fragments and can appear unfinished. In these cases the narrative isn't the main focus of the video and instead the lyrics or music carry the video forward. If the video appears unfinished then this may leave audiences with a lot of unanswered questions which provokes a deeper meaning to the video with it being more interpretational. Videos often follow a 'montage style' to present the narrative therefore the narrative may not always be obvious. 

She discusses how editing often does not follow the rules of continuity editing and can include jump cuts, contrasting pace, breaks of 30 degree rule etc. She also discusses how editing can be very visible within music videos and sometimes even being a major focus especially in experimental videos. 

Movements and framing
She argues that establishing shots are universal among music videos and can be used multiple times throughout a video as they are important to the narrative as well close up/extreme close ups. 

The diegesis is the 'world' that the music video takes place in. This can often be revealed very slowly as the video progresses. Events within this 'world' are often disrupted or not completed and certain frames are more visually important to the narrative which is made evident through the way the shots are filmed. 

References: Carol Vernallis (2013) YouTube Music Video, and the New Digital Cinema, 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, Page 10 

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