Monday, February 11, 2019

Music Video Analysis

Studio/Stadium Performance

English translation:

Star appeal - Vanessa Paradis stars in the video which directly promotes her as an artist and her music by making her the main feature of the video. 

Illustrative - Her performance makes up the entire video therefore her lip syncing acts as a way to illustrate the lyric and emphasises her position as the performer. 

Amplification - Her dancing makes up a significant part of the video which amplifies the music because she dances freely to the beat of her own song. 

Editing to the beat - smooth transition between visuals and the performance  

Aspects of voyeurism - it could be argued that Vanessa Paradis is presented in a way which makes her look more appealing/desirable. When she looks directly in to the camera she seems alluring and at times even intimate, as if she is daring the audience to desire her or at the very least admire her beauty.  

Close ups - further emphasises her star appeal and may cause an emotional reaction from audiences who follow her music and idolise her because it allows them to feel closer to her by literally allowing them to view her from this position. 

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